July meetup
Digital Plymouth runs a quarterly meetup – with three speakers, plus plenty of time for networking and general socialising. The intention is to bring together our diverse and talented community of digital businesses and organisations and enable us to recognise and celebrate how many of us there are. In addition, by coming together, we can share knowledge and learn about the amazing things that are being created right here in Plymouth. Get yourself a drink and jump into the video call for 7:30pm. Attendance is FREE so sign up now and get involved. Details for how to join the meetup will be sent, to those with a ticket, a week before the event.
Get A Head Start – Portrait Photography in a digital world.
During this talk I will speak about the benefits of having a professional headshot, how it can open a new doors, especially in after lockdown transition. As well I’ll explain what are the key points of a truly captivating headshot and how it attracts the viewer attention. Overall, the talk will have an inspirational and educational motive.
Content after Covid: Your quick and dirty guide to content marketing
I get it – it feels weird to promote your company during a pandemic. But the world will return to normal(ish), and companies who will win post-Covid are working on a content marketing strategy NOW. I’ll share some basic ways to get your own strategy in shape.
Behind the Sea-nes – Aquarium Lives
The phrase ‘content is king’ has been widely used for years, but when the product you’re selling is closed down by law, how do you keep your audience interested in something they can’t continue to buy?
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