June meetup
The June 2016 meetup may have been up against the best weather so far this year, the football, and the half term but there was no stopping the thriving digital community of the South West from attending Digital Plymouth. The event was a roaring success with great inspirational speakers, some VR gaming fun and plenty of drinks and digital chatter. It was also an opportunity to launch the conference to the community, we look forward to seeing you there!
A few things I’ve learnt
Inevitably, while running a company, you’ll get something wrong. Small or big, the most sobering lessons in business often come in the wake of something going a bit pear shaped. It has a unique way of sharpening the mind and making you take stock of what could have been done differently. Having started a company as a graduate nearly 7 years ago, I’ve had lots of time to reflect on my journey so far. In my talk I take a look at a few of the lessons I’ve learned during that time across company structure, positioning and adapting to change within your business.
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In the next four years Plymouth City Council are facing cuts from £44.5 million to just £9.5 million. That’s a reduction of 79 per cent.
The Council has been proactively addressing these financial challenges through a major programme of transformation, which is focused on delivering services in entirely new ways and raising income by growing Plymouth’s economy.
In this context DATA Play is exploring a more collaborative way of working with local talent and tech companies to explore how data and technology can help address these challenges together as a city. DATA Play days offer the opportunity for the digital community to come together with the Council, community groups and other organisations to play with data, show what’s possible and develop new projects and ideas.
The Council are excited about DATA Play and would like to find ways to support local companies to contribute. This could include investing in businesses and ideas, pledging of Crowdfunder, providing rewards to further innovative ideas and opening up data in reliable and accessible forms. Find out more at www.dataplay.org.uk
Download PresentationVirtual Reality: not just for gamers
With huge investment and big releases from industry big hitters such as HTC, Facebook owned Oculus, Samsung, Google and many others there is no question that the virtual reality industry is booming; but are games really the only application for this breakthrough technology?
Though its not as widely recognised and doesn’t receive quite as much media hype, there has been an incredible amount of progress in creating astounding practical applications for virtual reality. From the countless examples available, Joe covered virtual reality being used to bring architectural designs to life, accurately recreate crime scenes and train surgeons to carry out procedures quicker, more accurately and with less errors.
With incredible new uses being developed every day, now is the time to stop thinking of virtual reality as a gimmick and start to acknowledge it as serious technology.
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